Data Correction Procedure
Before undergoing fingerprinting, verify and correct your application details to avoid needing a new submission. If your organization provides a special link, use that; otherwise, select “Transaction History” on the home page, log in, and choose the transaction to edit. Look under “Available Options” for “Edit.” Be aware that once you submit your application, any further changes require starting a new transaction.
# Follow the steps below to correct data PRIOR to being fingerprinted
ℹ️ Any changes to the application after submission will require a new transaction. Please make sure you are entering the correct information.
1. If the company or organization asking you to complete a live scan provided a link to our website, please use that link. Otherwise, use this link to go to our home page.
2. Click on the "Transaction History" menu option at the top of the page

3. Enter your username and password to login

4. You will now see your transaction history. Click on the transaction you want to edit. You may have to change the date range.
5. Scroll down a little to the “Available Options" section. Click on the "Edit" link to make any corrections.

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