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Ink Fingerprinting for DOCE

This resource provides valuable insight for applicants who need to complete fingerprinting through traditional ink methods for Department of Criminal Evaluation (DOCE) purposes. It highlights alternatives to digital Live Scan by guiding users on how to obtain FD-258 ink fingerprint cards and prepare necessary documentation for submission. By understanding these options, applicants can confidently navigate the ink fingerprinting process, ensuring they meet DOCE requirements efficiently and with reduced hassle.


1. Click on FBI Electronic Departmental Order (EDO) – aka. FBI Criminal History Report

Click on FBI Electronic Departmental Order (EDO) – aka. FBI Criminal History Report

2. Click on Click Here To Get Started

Click on Click Here To Get Started

3. Enter your email address and password for returning users. For new users, click on the Register Option

Enter your email address and password for returning users. 

For new users, click on the Register Option

4. Complete each step of the online application and hit the NEXT button to move on to each subsequent step.

Complete each step of the online application and hit the NEXT button to move on to each subsequent step.

5. Once you get to Step 4, if there are no locations that are within a reasonable travel distance, it will give you the choice of scheduling with "Ink Fingerprint Card Processing Center Capital Live Scan - HM2" for ink fingerprinting which you will then click "Schedule Appointment"

Once you get to Step 4, if there are no locations that are within a reasonable travel distance, it will give you the choice of scheduling with "Ink Fingerprint Card Processing Center Capital Live Scan - HM2" for ink fingerprinting which you will then click "Schedule Appointment"

6. After you complete the rest of the steps for your order, you will print 3 copies of the QR Code form as you will need to include it in shipping your forms.

After you complete the rest of the steps for your order, you will print 3 copies of the QR Code form as you will need to include it in shipping your forms.

7. You can get ink fingerprint cards (FD-258) from any local businesses that offers Ink Fingerprinting services, but you can also find a list of Law Enforcement Locations with the link below. Note that you would want to get at least 2 copies of the FD-258 cards.

You can get ink fingerprint cards (FD-258) from any local businesses that offers Ink Fingerprinting services, but you can also find a list of Law Enforcement Locations with the link below. Note that you would want to get at least 2 copies of the FD-258 cards.

8. Once you find a local Law Enforcement Location, it is recommended to try and reach out to see if they provide Ink Fingerprinting services.

Once you find a local Law Enforcement Location, it is recommended to try and reach out to see if they provide Ink Fingerprinting services.

9. After getting the FD-258 cards, you would want to write your Payment ID on the back of the cards. You can find your Payment ID on the QR Code Form.

After getting the FD-258 cards, you would want to write your Payment ID on the back of the cards. You can find your Payment ID on the QR Code Form.

10. Once you get both your QR Code Form and the FD-258 cards, you can proceed with getting your shipment ready. You will include: 2 filled FD-258 cards, 3 copies of the QR Code Form, and a copy of your ID (you can find the available ID's you can provide for with the link below).

11. You will ship all this to the address below: Capital Live Scan Attn: Ink Card Processing Center 5706 Broadway Sacramento, CA 95820

12. From here the cards will be processed and when your results are ready. typically the ink card is processed in 24-48hrs from when Capital Live Scan receives the cards. You can follow the link below to sign back in and check if it is available.

From here the cards will be processed and when your results are ready. typically the ink card is processed in 24-48hrs from when Capital Live Scan receives the cards. You can follow the link below to sign back in and check if it is available.

13. If you see the status column on your transaction mention Complete, it means your Live Scan transaction was successfully submitted by Capital Live Scan.

If you see the status column on your transaction mention Complete, it means your Live Scan transaction was successfully submitted by Capital Live Scan.

14. Scroll down on the page until you get to the "Available Options For" menu. If the View/Download button is not visible and the appointment was completed, we advise you check back later for this. If you do see the View/Download button, click this to download the response

Scroll down on the page until you get to the "Available Options For" menu. If the View/Download button is not visible and the appointment was completed, we advise you check back later for this. If you do see the View/Download button, click this to download the response

15. After clicking the View/Download button from the prior step and accepting the notifications that appear, then click on the "Download Authenticated PDF" button to download the report with the FBI's seal included

After clicking the View/Download button from the prior step and accepting the notifications that appear, then click on the "Download Authenticated PDF" button to download the report with the FBI's seal included

16. VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: after you access the FBI Response. The response will be deleted within 24 hours. So, be sure to download the “Authenticated PDF” first (basically it’s a PDF document with an FBI seal as a watermark) and then print it if needed

17. If you were informed that having the results apostilled would be required, you can view information on this at the link below.