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Received a Link to Applicant Services by Your Organization

If your organization has provided a direct link to ApplicantServices for scheduling a live scan appointment, this guide walks you through the process. It explains how to use the link to access the scheduling portal, register with your email, and enter any necessary group or prepaid codes provided by your agency.


# In case you received a link directly to our website ApplicantServices for scheduling an appointment, you can use the steps below to complete this

1. If in your agency's instructions they provided a link to our website, you could click this link, or copy it into a browser in order to schedule an appointment

If in your agency's instructions they provided a link to our website, you could click this link, or copy it into a browser in order to schedule an appointment

2. Most organizations will provide a link to our website like the one above that directly leads to the scheduling process, or if the site asks for a group code or prepaid code to reach it when using that link, your organization can provide this info

3. After reaching out site, you may then be asked to enter your email to register an account. This will be used for sending you future appointment notifications and to allow you to login for tracking the status and info after it is submitted

After reaching out site, you may then be asked to enter your email to register an account. This will be used for sending you future appointment notifications and to allow you to login for tracking the status and info after it is submitted

4. In most cases, after logging in, you will then be sent an email or text with an access code to access the site. We would advise entering this manually rather than copying and pasting the code

In most cases, after logging in, you will then be sent an email or text with an access code to access the site. We would advise entering this manually rather than copying and pasting the code

5. After logging in, you will then see a series of steps that will ask for your info for the live scan. You are now on the scheduling process, and to complete this we advise completing each step on this page using the next button to go through each

After logging in, you will then see a series of steps that will ask for your info for the live scan. You are now on the scheduling process, and to complete this we advise completing each step on this page using the next button to go through each

6. In the last step you will be provided a form to bring with you to the live scan site with the QR code and payment id that live scan location can input to begin your appointment. You will also receive an email with this information the moment you see this form appear in this step

This QR code or payment id on the form or email is needed for the appointment

In the last step you will be provided a form to bring with you to the live scan site with the QR code and payment id that live scan location can input to begin your appointment. You will also receive an email with this information the moment you see this form appear in this step

7. At this point, the appointment will now have been scheduled once you have received the form above with the QR code